How to join other successful resellers in a multibillion $ industry
Sell Steel Buildings utilising
The ShedTech / Shed Alliance Reseller Package
The Offer
ShedTech and Shed Alliance offer to supply shed resellers with our state of the art Quoting and 3D Design and Management software for use selling sheds and steel building kits from our huge range. Thousands of proven designs will be available to you.
Resellers will have access to our Shed Alliance National Buying Group to source materials from our suppliers at our already negotiated special rates and deals for delivery Australia wide.
This includes all major items such as Bluescope Colorbond steel sheeting, purlins, raingoods, componentry and brackets, Rolladoors, hardware, fasteners and glass. Local suppliers can also be used for SHS and glass.
Ideally new resellers are already in this or an allied industry or have relevant experience with sales of building products, an understanding of the building industry and an ability to read engineering plans and preferably hold a building license to enable erect and slab contracts to maximise sales, profits and client service.
Establishing a display yard is encouraged to sell more and have a street office and show the product you sell.
The Building Products
Our software designs, quotes and details a large range of buildings virtually instantly with a full Bill Of Materials produced as a PDF ready to send out for ordering.
All our sheds and carports use fully bolted frame systems supplied with pre cut and pre punched galvanised C Sections. Australian Bluescope steel and a full Colorbond range are available to choose from.
We have the highest quality buildings offering top strength and great value for money for your clients.
Our standard range of proven designs includes the following major product groups
- Portal frame sheds from 3m to 25m wide with up to 9m long bays and wall heights to 7m
- Skillion roof sheds to 12m wide
- Heritage and Aussie Barns
- Skillion and Gable carports to 12m wide
- Garaports
- Stud Frame sheds – with eaves and horizontal cladding options
- Patio Systems
- Attached Awnings
- Industrial Buildings
- Also available are – Dutch Gable carports, Hip Roof carports, Weekenders, Steel Housing, Octovillions, Yurts, Pavillions for parks and Garden Sheds with budget or heavy duty types and more
- Custom Design – engineering and drafting services
The Software
Our user friendly ShedTech product will work for you 24/7. A huge range of functionalities are built in to help you do business – and with the latest technology.
We have a long list of default settings to speed the quoting process with your usual common preferences and options including purlin selection from topspan battens to zeds, various hold down brackets, connection plates, roofing type, ridge cap, guttering and flashing choices.
The site wind speed is optimised with our dynamic engineering package for every job via shielding factors that is, no shielding, partial or full shielding which reduces and optimises the design, steel specification and steel costs, making the shed cheaper! This will in turn increase your sales.
You can vary purlin and girt and portal frame selections from a menu to suit client wishes and increase strength or to better optimise steel schedules and costs.
Many features and functionalities have been built into our system to assist you day to day. Items such as a Google Earth link, variable bay length selection to 9m, mezzanine floors, insulation, a fully bolted Zed purlins and girts option, a frame only option, various connection plate choices, eaves, attached awnings, internal walls, skylight panels, steel sliding doors, vermin proofing and lots more simplifies your quoting process.
Sales and Management reporting tools are built in to the system to help you monitor your business from day to day and monthly to evaluate leads, sales by product, sales by salesman and more.
ShedTech encourages all resellers to buy a big screen TV for your office to show our 3D software to best advantage for your clients to be wowed and involved in designing their product with real time 3D graphics with walk inside, viewing and showing colour selections, doors and window placement.
We have construction guides for all sheds as a PDF in the Help Menu in our software ready to email to kit clients to help them build their shed or carport.
The ShedTech software also quotes for concrete slabs and erect work for any job, with formulas that you can set up to suit your location or your preferred method of pricing.
Furthermore a full User Manual explaining every feature is in the Help Menu for your reference.
Our Shed Alliance Finance package is built into the quoting software to create more sales opportunities for clients wanting interest free terms to purchase a shed or patio.
ShedTech is constantly improving our software product and working on updates adding more functionality and new features to maintain your sales growth.
Our widely experienced staff is ready to help you make sales in this industry and assist you to be successful. We will help you get up and running with sales training and product knowledge.
Our software system can prepare professional quotes in minutes with client job particulars, building elevations and other details and be emailed direct to clients or printed instantly.
Sales are simply processed and ordered within the system and watermarked client engineering plans, slab layouts and materials lists for clients are instantly available off your computer after ordering.
Tax invoices, job costing summaries, client payment schedules, call back reminders and more are built in to the system.
All quotes are saved to our secure server for retrieval later to view, modify or to convert into orders. This means all your business data is stored safely and backed up off site – not on your computer – so is not lost if your computer crashes or is lost or stolen.
Our “Easy As” order system means we will do the work for you. This allows resellers to place orders on the ShedTech system – by paying a deposit to receive engineering plans with full payment due prior to manufacture and despatch per our standard documents and terms.
You do not need to establish supplier accounts or reconcile invoicing every month. Simply pay your wholesale costs per job and we will do the rest for you. You will retain your profits.
Delivery dates will be advised as soon as we have confirmation from our suppliers but usually from two to four weeks.
A rebate system on monthly sales may be applicable depending on meeting criteria and sales volumes achieved.
Our alternate system used by some resellers allows use of your accounts and you can place your own orders.
New resellers will need to attend a minimum of one day initial training at our Brisbane office in the use of our software and ordering systems. This will get you started to hit the ground running rather than being unsure or unskilled in your quoting and potentially losing sales by over quoting in price and losing work or creating stuff ups.
This training would also encompass product knowledge to assist with industry proven sales techniques to make resellers more successful and confident in their business.
Our structured training program will guide you through the steps to be able to best use our intuitive software which is suitable even for novice computer users without industry experience. You will learn to competently quote and sell sheds and carports and be confident placing client orders.
You are the boss. Run your business your way. But with assistance.
ShedTech will supply you with a technology solution giving you the tools, products and systems to succeed. Combined with you supplying your time, hard work and good old fashioned customer service to your clients will make you a cut above the rest.
The ShedTech software system has a range of sales reporting and management reports available for you to monitor how your business is performing.
These reports include an “active quotes” list to call back up client quotes from the server, a summary of all quotes broken down by salesman and company overall – with month to date, year to date, and quotes classified by building types with size and type breakdowns and value and lead source categories to see where your leads are coming from.
All of these quote reports types are also available as sales reports with an “active orders” list with sales by sales person, total overall sales, sales by building type, sales conversion reports and more.
Being server based these reports are all updated in real time and accessible from any computer logged on to the secure system.
These reports are invaluable as an instant view as to how your business is running and what is being quoted and what is being sold – automatically updated to the minute. You can evaluate sales staff performance easily. These figures also highlight any promotions or advertising helping with instant feedback on any sales campaigns and their success.
Other reports available include – slab design and layouts, roof and wall sheeting layouts, bracing plan drawings, purlin and girt layouts and marking plans to assist site construction.
All our products are fully engineered and jobs are supplied with client specific watermarked engineer plans and relevant certifications signed off as required for certification approvals by various state authorities.
Our system caters for all wind loads including Cyclonic conditions. Snow loads are also calculated for building in alpine regions. Standard design slab systems including domestic and industrial options and to suit problem soil types are covered in our engineered drawings.
Calculated site specific wind speed with our Windcheck TM software for every job site drives our built in “Dynamic Engineering Design System”, optimising materials specifications and costs for every building. More bang for your clients buck.
The ShedTech engineering complies with the latest BCA codes and all relevant Australian/ NZ standards. We are continually working on new designs, product improvements and reinvesting in updated engineering plans as this is critical for our mutual success in this competitive market.
The ShedTech dynamic engineering system is virtually self certifying as it produces engineering calculations and reports for every job for building approvals and therefore giving real peace of mind for your clients that compliance to codes is assured for any wind loading and design.
ShedTech is an accredited Shed Safe supplier so our network can utilise this marketing tool and credibility to promote to the public.
Additionally ShedTech / Shed Alliance offer our UltraSafe Buildings branding for further peace of mind of clients.
All our buildings are covered by relevant product warranties from manufacturers such as Bluescope.
Engineer certified plans are supplied with every job.
The reseller will of course strive to market and network his business in his local area and with local contacts. Merchandising materials, signage, posters, shirts and more are available from Shed Alliance.
We can offer new dealers a generic website with content, picture gallery and layouts ready to go with your own domain name and details. This will assist in gathering local leads and potentially from further afield.
Your details will also be listed as a reseller on our Shed Alliance website to gather local leads.
The reseller can trade with his own existing business name but we want that you will place signage such as – “Member of Shed Alliance Group” , “Quoting with ShedTech Software” in your office, displays, on your website and on other documentation. The benefit for you of doing this is utilising established market place branding giving your new business credibility and making you part of an existing successful national team.
Several levels of access are available depending on your desired future direction. This is available with separate documentation and an agreement with terms would be signed.
Set up fees are outlined on this document.
Promotional offers and special product packages may be offered from time to time.
We will also offer use of our marketing material including ready to go TV advertisements and letterbox drop catalogues. These can be paid direct or with a monthly contribution to funding.
The reseller if utilising our brand name will set up a contact email address of – EG. shedalliancebrokenhill.com.au – to be determined by availability and with consultation with Shed Alliance Head Office.
EG. shedalliancebrokenhill.com.au
This email address will be used to give access to Shed Alliance leads from our website and will assist in lead generation for you.
Custom Buildings
Although we offer the biggest quoting and product range of any shed supplier some clients will always request something outside of software design parameters.
This is termed custom design. Handled properly and professionally this can be a great way to make bigger margins and create happy clients and earn you many referrals as a true industry specialist.
Due to the one off nature of this work it takes more time, expertise and cost to design and certify this kind of work. Sometimes this can be done free of charge initially with advice for quoting purposes but manual design and detailing, one off drafting and engineering certification involves use of professional resources which will reasonably be charged back to you and your clients.
The Package
In summary, for a small initial outlay you will have access to a proven formula for industry success. Server based industry leading software together with our tried and proven product range of steel buildings, carports, patios and building systems.
Our national supply chain is in place giving you immediate best pricing and saving you from trying to find suppliers and negotiate deals. Additionally as part of our network you will receive the instant benefit of group buying power making you able to compete with any opposition.
Support, training and help are available via our helpdesk, office or via phone and email.
You will benefit with the biggest range of quality steel building products with superior designs compared to any other, with access to ShedTech – the best software available to independent resellers in Australia and membership of our Shed Alliance National Buying Group…….
With all this in place your time can be spent marketing and making sales for your business.
What are you waiting for? Want to know more?
Call us right now and learn how to become part of this multi billion $ industry.
Seize this opportunity to secure your future now!
View – www.shedtech.com.au – www.shedalliance.com.au
Contact ShedTech
Ph: 07 3808 8118
Email: sales@shedtech.com.au
Office: Units 2 / 3 – 12 Tolmer Place, Springwood, 4127 Brisbane Qld
Post: PO Box 2346 Logan City DC, 4114 Qld
Our websites for client information and lead gathering include
www.shedalliancebrisbane.com.au – our generic style website that you can purchase and set up in your domain name